SanPor Free corks go through a meticulous sealing process before being carefully analyzed and selected, ensuring that we deliver the most refined and high-quality version possible to our partners.

SaNatur Natural Cork Stopper
SaNatur Natural Cork Stopper
SaNatur Natural Cork Stopper
Chromatography CG/MS Chromatography Machine Sniffing Procedure Sniffing Procedure

The SaFree line is synonymous with quality, guaranteed by non-invasive analyses. Each stopper is tested individually to maintain excellence, using methods such as VOCUS and the internal SaInov process.

This allows us to offer our partners guarantees such as Bottle Buy Back. Total sensory guarantee and a negative carbon footprint are characteristics of this range of products where quality is the priority.

  • Total sensory guarantee
  • Bottle Buy Back Guarantee
  • Negative carbon footprint
  • 100% of batch individually inspected
  • SaInov Procedure

    Guaranteed sensory neutrality.